The Best Mindset for Helping an Aging Parent
This excerpt from “When Your Aging Parent Needs Help” recommends being clear about what your role is-and isn‘t. By Leslie Kernisan, MD and Paula Spencer Scott
Why All Health Care Providers Need to Be Age-Friendly
Older adults will outnumber children by 2034 and yet the U.S. health care system is not focused on older patients’ very specific needs. By Nora Macaluso.
From Breakthrough to Breakdown: The unprecedented Covid-induced threat for seniors 65 and up
Please read this story! Whether you are 65 or 25!
Older Adults May Benefit from a Plant-Based Diet
Going plant-based isn’t as tough as you might think and the benefits could be life-changing. By Lisa Fields.
Denver Regional Council of Governments Network of Care
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Area Agency on Aging is the place to be for help for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and families.
Find Social Services in Colorado
Browse social services by city in Colorado. Resource: auntbertha.com.
Closing the Communication Gap with Our Aging Parents (Video)
A video produced by David Solie, clinician, author, educator, and speaker on the psychology of the second half of life.
City of Denver Older Adult Resource Directory (PDF)
Access and download a PDF of the Older Adult Resource Directory published by the City of Denver’s Commission on Aging.
Prime of Life Tech
Prime of Life Tech provides IT technical support, training, home automation, and simplified technology solutions for older adults. Learn more at primeoflifetech.com.
My Living Obituary

“The days of looking at death by not looking at it are over.” By Maggie Gannon
You will be survived by family members and friends: do you want them to be the writers of your memory—your legacy: or YOU? A self-written obituary is the perfect place to start! https://www.mylivingobituary.com/